Chiron Astrological Reading
The Birth Chart is so powerful, and Chiron is an aspect of a chart that everyone has.
Chiron is referred to the wounded healer. Each of us carries a wound regardless of our personal planets which is denoted by Chiron. This wound can underpin your chart and the purpose of this reading is to understand the wound, where does it affect you but also, how do you harness this to your advantage both personally and professionally.
So what is the process?
Before your reading: I will request your date, time and birthplace and I will create your chart. I will go through your chart and identify your planets and placements. This will take an hour to go through.
During your reading: The call will be scheduled for an hour and a half together, we will go through your Chiron Placement and I will go through my findings. It is an opportunity for us to have an open discussion and for you to get an in depth understanding.
At the end of the reading: I will send you the recording for you to keep and refer back to as and when required.