
I think it’s safe to say that if you’re browsing this page that you’re feeling a little bit lost in life’s voyage - am I right? 

Perhaps you’re struggling with sticking to your daily habits and you can’t understand why or how to get back on track. 

Perhaps you feel misunderstood by the people in your circle and you haven’t quite figured out how to find your voice and communicate your thoughts and feelings in a way that is clear and impactful. 

Perhaps you have this overwhelming sensation that you are destined to achieve more in this world and you feel on the cusp of a huge breakthrough but you would like a bit more clarity on what to expect…

Stars, Planets and Elements…

Absolutely anything Astrology really. That’s what lights the fire inside my belly. Getting down to the nitty gritty of your gorgeous charts and deciphering all that luminary lingo that feels like a foreign language to you so that you can be armed and ready for your next celestial chapter. 

Of course, this can look different for everyone but for me it allowed me to:

✨ Finally break free from the corporate world after a long and gruelling 20 years 

✨ Harness the my own unique powers to handle anything that was thrown at me 

✨ Unapologetically embrace my alternative personality and finally start playing to my strengths whilst actively working on my weaknesses - don’t tell my children but yes, I have a few!

Like you, I have been dealt my fair share of challenging cards

I have felt the frustration of life’s uncertainties and repetitive patterns. Having endured 20 years in the corporate world as a single Mum before I took the huge leap of faith into building my very own business constellation that truly lit my soul on fire to think about. 

By opening my heart and mind to immersing myself into the realm of celestial arts (NOT to be confused with fortune telling), I was able to lift the fog crowding my mind, finally make sense of my internal world and courageously face my shadows head on. 

I am audaciously committed to working hand in hand with people just like you to unlock the answers to why things haven't quite worked before and shine a warm and beaming light onto your gifts that are waiting to be shared with the world. With my support you will feel like a huge weight has been lifted, empowered to take back control over your life and focus on fulfilling your life's purpose.

The Packages

Basic Reading

A 90-minute recorded call to take a deep dive into your chart and discuss practical implementation steps

Lunar Node Reading

A 90-minute recorded call showing you your life path & gifts in this lifetime.

Deep Dive into Personal Planets

12 Week Deep Dive

Whilst the Birth Chart reading provides an outline as to who you are, with these readings, we go deeper.

Astrological Coaching

One off 45 Minute Call to explore any area of your chart in more detail.

Chiron Astrological Reading

A 90-minute recorded call to take a deep dive into the wounded challenges that you will encounter throughout your lifetime